“Each horse will tell you what they need…. if you listen.”

Carmen Ritz ~ Trainer & Clinician

Since 1995 I have been training/re-training horses and supporting riders in developing their riding skills and their relationship with their horse. I’ve specialized in “problem horses”- typically sensitive, athletic horses with lots of drive, that were misunderstood. Once the issues of pain, fear, and dominance were addressed, each of these horses became a willing & capable partner.

Over the years, I’ve learned from a variety of great horse folk, from classical dressage to vaquero/buckaroo riding. Some were well known, others not so much. I’ve worked to gain understanding of the horse’s nature and how their brains work. My experience has taught me that slower can be faster. The horse learns to learn. The rider develops the techniques of timing & feel. I incorporate fundamentals from working cow horse, dressage, and cavalry training to provide the essentials to support the development of the horse under saddle.

I also bring a professional background as an educator and exercise physiologist. With these skills, I can assist riders in developing better coordination, strength, and reflexes which lead to improved motor skills on, with, and off the horse. Riding is an activity that can only be learned by time in the saddle, on your partner’s back.  It is a unique and athletic partnership requiring a whole new set of motor skills of each partner. While it is easier to learn correctly in the first place, with practical feedback and practice, each partner can unlearn old habits and incorporate new skills to have a more balanced physical partnership and as a result, have more fun.